Ive really enjoyed this App and have used it often with MMS. Theres plenty of variety to find an animotion to throw into the mix of any message. The only complaint that I have is recent since having updated my phone to iOS 6, so I dont know whose shoulders it would fall on to fix but Im guessing Apples since the problem didnt exist prior to the update. Regardless of who fixes
When using Animotions they arent showing well via text/iMessage, but I havent tried it with email or elsewhere. When I paste any of the Animotions into a message it is oversized for the text/iMessage bubble, which, depending on which Animotion you pick, cuts off all most or almost half of what you see. For instance if I paste the treadmill smiley (found in the Retro category) you cant really see what its doing because the bubble doesnt give enough room around it. This happens with each & everyone of them that I use, which quite honestly is ruining the whole point in using them or even having this App anymore. I wish I could post a screen shot image to show you what Im talking about but try it for yourself and youll know. :(
Jesse M. Lopez about Animated Emoticons™ for MMS Text Message, Email!!!