Love this ap!!!!! Makes me smile and most importantly it lets me make others smile!!!!! Puts some real emotion into my texts!!!!!
Love this ap!!!!! Makes me smile and most importantly it lets me make others smile!!!!! Puts some real emotion into my texts!!!!!
This is so much fun to use & really easy! My friends love to get texts with my animated funnies. I would just like to know how to get some of the newer ones - would love to have Watching You, Loser and many more but I havent figured that part out yet. It is still a 5 star app!
Worth every penny
Highly anticipated app turns out to be unusable in text and in emails shows up in a separate. Also, you cant write the mail and find the appropriate app. You have to choose the app and fit the email to it. Just awful app.
Ive really enjoyed this App and have used it often with MMS. Theres plenty of variety to find an animotion to throw into the mix of any message. The only complaint that I have is recent since having updated my phone to iOS 6, so I dont know whose shoulders it would fall on to fix but Im guessing Apples since the problem didnt exist prior to the update. Regardless of who fixes When using Animotions they arent showing well via text/iMessage, but I havent tried it with email or elsewhere. When I paste any of the Animotions into a message it is oversized for the text/iMessage bubble, which, depending on which Animotion you pick, cuts off all most or almost half of what you see. For instance if I paste the treadmill smiley (found in the Retro category) you cant really see what its doing because the bubble doesnt give enough room around it. This happens with each & everyone of them that I use, which quite honestly is ruining the whole point in using them or even having this App anymore. I wish I could post a screen shot image to show you what Im talking about but try it for yourself and youll know. :(
Stick with the free version
This app works great on my iPhone 5. Lots of cool animated emoticons to send via text and the ability to create your own ones by using any animated gif. I love it. I only wish I could clear the recent list.
This app worked great before but it doesnt show the whole pic with the ios6. Please fix this
The icons are cure but they are not compatible with the iPhone. They dont tell you this until after you have purchased. So basically i was ripped off with no way to get my money back.
In follow up of my last review, this app does work for the IPhone 6. You have to uninstall and install the app again. I am happy it works because I really used it a lot with my IPhone 5. I just wished they would have replied back to me after I sent them an email, but Im sure they were getting a lot of the same complaints. This is a great app!
Dont buy this app. It does not work on the iPhone and they dont tell you until after you purchase the app. Angry customer. I want my .99 cents back.
Horrible app, doesnt work on iPhone but they dont tell you until you buy it, then your jacked. Cute pictures if it worked:(
Why bother advertising it if apple doesnt support it
OMG❤❤❤❤❤I absolutely love this app so many emojis its so freaking awesome.. Theres such a variety its so much fun to choose... thank you
Overall, I like the app. The emoticons are funny & there is a good variety. The only thing I dislike is the "native" one. I think it looks racist. I am a native Polynesian, & I assure you, I have never seen a native, whether aborigine, African, Polynesian, or Native American who looks has large red lips and appears to be straight out of a minstrel show. However, I will award an extra half-point due to the fact that it could have been worse: at least it wasnt dancing, LOL! If the racist-looking native is removed, Ill change my rating to 5 stars :)
Installed the latest iPhone upgrade, system 8, and its no longer functional. Ive uninstalled and reinstalled it several times but the screen just freezes up. So unless this is corrected its useless !!!! I wouldnt have given it any stars or more likely a negative star had it allowed me to do so. Its a waste of time and memory now. To bad
The app locks up using iOS 8.0.2
Loved this app. Bought it quite a while ago and now since iOS 8, it freezes when you hit action. Dont know if thats the reason but I would love an update!! So I can love this app again.
This was working great for me but now that I have an IPhone 6 it doesnt work at all.
Good app, but no longer works in IOS 8. Cant copy emoticons.